Wednesday 24 January 2018

Normal Approximations 1

Hello super statisticians,

Now you are going to learn about using the normal distribution as an approximation to the binomial distribution. You need to watch two videos.

This video is on continuity corrections.

This video is on making the approximation.

Then complete: Ex 3B page 81 Q1 and Q4
(use notes page 76-79 to help - you don't need to learn about approximating to the Poisson yet)

Deadline: Friday 26th January

Image result for normal distribution meme

and these are the best cushions I've ever seen in my life

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Mean and Variance of CRVs

Remember to try the exam question I handed out...

Watch the videos on this page about finding mean and variance of continuous random variables.

Complete Ex 2C page 50 Q1-4

You might like to do some more practice of finding c.d.f.s before next lesson. So try some more questions from Ex 2B if you want to.

Deadline: Friday 19th January

Friday 12 January 2018

Continuous Random Variables 2

If you haven't already, you need to complete Ex 2A on probability density functions.

Now you are going to learn about cumulative distribution functions. Watch this video. (You must watch the video! It's not long!)

Complete the following questions:
Ex 2B Q1-4 page 45
use notes page 43-45 to help you

Deadline: Tuesday 16th January

Thursday 11 January 2018

Continuous Random Variables 1

Hello statisticians!

This is just a short task for you and shouldn't take you more than 30 mins. Last year, you learnt about discrete random variables, and the Binomial and Poisson distributions are both used to model discrete RVs. Now, you progress on to learning about continuous random variables.

Watch this video (please make sure you watch the whole video). Make notes if you wish.

Read notes page 37-40

Complete Ex 2A page 40-41 Q1-2

Deadline: Friday 12th January

Image result for continuous random variable meme