Wednesday 28 February 2018


Hello Statisticians!

Watch this video on sampling. Then complete Ex 4A page 89-90.
You will probably need to read some of the notes in the textbook too, to help you answer these questions.

Friday 2nd March

Image result for random sample meme

Thursday 22 February 2018

Normal Approximations 2

Hello stats team!

Read the notes on using the normal distribution as an approximation to the Poisson distribution page 79-80 (or watch this video)

Then complete:
Ex 3B page 81-83
Q5, 7, 11
Last time we did this excercise, we all noticed a few discrepancies in the probabilities given in the answers, so please make sure you are close to the answer in the back.

This website shows you graphically why the normal makes a good approximation to both Poisson and binomial.

Deadline: Tuesday 27th February

Image result for poisson distribution meme