Friday 24 November 2017

The Poisson Distribution

Bonjour mathématiciens!

Je t'aime statistiques! Ah oui!

Consolidate Binomial Distribution questions: Ex 1C Q9,10 page 18 Optional challenge: Q14 page 19, Q6 page 22

Read the notes page 22-26 on the Poisson Distribution and/or watch this video.

Complete Ex 1E Q1,3,5,8 page 26-27

Make sure that you can confidently use the Poisson tables. They are in the formula booklet after the Binomial tables and also in the back of the textbook.

Deadline: Friday 1st December

Bonne chance!

Image result for poisson quotes
Stickers and respect for anyone who translates this quote into French.

Au revoir!

Friday 17 November 2017

The Binomial Distribution 2: Mean and Variance

Hello again Statisticians!

Task 1

Read page 20-21, then complete:

Ex 1D page 21
Q1 and Q2

This video is about mean and variance too. I recommend watching it.

Task 2

Watch these videos about how to use the cumulative probability tables. Make notes if you want to, or pause and try stuff out using the tables in the back of your textbook.

Deadline: Friday 24th November

Friday 3 November 2017

The Binomial Distribution 1

Hello statisticians!

Here is your first task...

Ex 1A page 10

Ex 1B (even number questions only) page 12

Ex 1C Q1-7 page 17-18

Mark and correct your work in a different coloured pen.

Read the notes in the textbook page 7-17 or watch these tutorial videos from the brilliant examsolutions man.

Please do leave comments with questions, or with tips that might support your fellow statisticians.

Deadline: Wednesday 8th November

Image result for statistics love