Friday 24 November 2017

The Poisson Distribution

Bonjour mathématiciens!

Je t'aime statistiques! Ah oui!

Consolidate Binomial Distribution questions: Ex 1C Q9,10 page 18 Optional challenge: Q14 page 19, Q6 page 22

Read the notes page 22-26 on the Poisson Distribution and/or watch this video.

Complete Ex 1E Q1,3,5,8 page 26-27

Make sure that you can confidently use the Poisson tables. They are in the formula booklet after the Binomial tables and also in the back of the textbook.

Deadline: Friday 1st December

Bonne chance!

Image result for poisson quotes
Stickers and respect for anyone who translates this quote into French.

Au revoir!

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